Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Illustration Friday: Open

(Please click image to see detail)

This is a special week for Illustration Friday participants - the topic is "Open", and for the first time ever, viewers will be allowed to vote for their 5 favorite designs! The top 25 overall will get to show their illustrations at an exclusive IF show at "Open" - an art gallery and bookstore in Long Beach, California opening on November 3rd. The voting will be open for 2 weeks. Click here to read more details and get in on the fun! There are a LOT of really great pieces this week - don't miss out!

When I saw that the topic was "open", I thought of everything from the mundane to the sublime, but it was ultimately the word "wonder" along with "open" that provided the initial inspiration for this piece. We are surrounded by wonder and beauty in everyday things and ordinary people - if we would just open our eyes to see it. Likewise, possibilities for our lives are wide open if we would just open our minds to them - dare to dream, take a chance... Finally, many times, from fear or lingering pain, we close ourselves off from love - it's too fraught with peril, too risky we say... but if we would open ourselves up to love - to receive it and to give it, we would find that the rewards FAR outweigh the risks!


"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear..."
1 John 4:18

"We love because he first loved us."
1 John 4:19

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4

"What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations."
Psalm 104:24


  1. This is beautiful!

  2. wow this is altogether gorgeous!
    and it looks like photos from afar (great rendering!)
    The entire design of it is perfect. the colors flow through it well and are pretty choices. The backgrounds of each square look very nice.
    Good digital "painting."

  3. I just love this idea!! And you did it wonderfully. Love those colors It has a very magical feel. And the message is the best part. Everybody should have this in their homes and look at it every morning before leaving their homes...:o)

  4. Wonderful! I'm sure this could sell as a poster :)

  5. oh yes, I agree, you could sell this as a poster. I love the little glow that is happening in the art, and of course, the encouraging and inspirating quote.

    Thanks so much for your comment about my piece. Glad to know you and your husband are just as wacky as me, hehe!

  6. Wow, this is so beautiful! Love the positive energy!!

  7. Great illo! Beautiful colors.

  8. This piece is wonderful.... and IJohn 4:19 is part of a song that I taught my Sunday school children last year.


  9. Wow! Really pretty! The flowers are so luminescent. I especially love how you painted the blue flowers in the distance. Nicely done.

  10. i just love your writings, its very true and yet very hard, though.... (for me, at least) :) wonderful message.

  11. You have some beautiful images. It's neat how you did "Open". Very wonderful piece. Love the colors and how it makes one feel when looking at it. :) Smiles.

  12. These are beautifully vibrant etherial illustrations!

  13. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Wow I love your work! I am off to add you to my blog reader!!

    I Look foward to seeing more of your art.

  14. So beautiful! This reaslly was worth clicking one more I.F. thumbnail before logging off tonite. Such beautiful work!

  15. Utterly fabulous; I am really glad I clicked and saw it bigger--WOW! So beautiful and yes magical!

  16. Love your message, Becky. And you are so right...OPEN is an endless concept, so full of possibilities. beautiful job!


  17. Thanks for visiting me at my blog. I know what you mean about buying things to fix up and never getting around to doing it. You should see my garage. It's awful. The buying part is the fun part for me. Painting and repairing, not so much. Please feel free to link away. I would love it if you added my blog link to your blog. Looking forward to reading more of yours.


  18. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Very nice. I tend to agree with several of the earlier posts. Kudos. (Oh, wait... are Kudos junk or health?) Anyway, there is one GLARING problem with the "balance" cell -there's no chocolate! How can I have a balanced diet w/out chocolate?! :-D

    Hope you enjoy the balance of this week (and I'm pretty sure you will!).

    PS: 'Obtuse' works fine. :-Þ


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