Got the A-OK from my sweet customer, aka my awesome, wonderful, dear friend from Colorado, on this F.R.O.G. illustration that she commissioned, so I can post it now. I just showed you a teaser of this illustration last week - now, here's the whole enchilada...I started out with a pencil design on illustration board, then I added the ink...

...then I used colored pencil to add color and shading (reminds me of coloring in a color book, which I've never outgrown,
btw)...and finally I added the name and
birthdate (and I prayed
really hard not to
mis-spell anything at that point!!)

...and here's the finished scan...

This will be for her nephew's new baby boy. His room was being decorated in frogs, and my friend found out that the acronym F.R.O.G. means "Fully Rely On God" - so, that was the genesis of the illustration. It was SO much fun to work has been a long time since I had done a piece like this in traditional media. (here's the last one I had done) I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks Susie for the order - it was my pleasure!
An Award!...
My dear, sweet friend and fellow artist Celestina Marie of La Rea Rose was gracious enough to honor me recently with the "Arte Y Pico Award". Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Celeste, you sweetie!! The award you received initially was so well deserved, and couldn't have been bestowed on a nicer, more talented person - Congratulations!! I now have the honor of passing it on to 5 talented, giving blog buddies - this is REALLY hard as I know SO MANY super-talented, super-sweet artisans - so please consider this a sampling of the finest I know from a variety of artistic endeavors...and by all means check out my links on the right - they all deserve this award!!
The rules are as follows:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award for creativity, design, materials used, and their contribution to the community no matter what the language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his/her blog to be visited.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and the name and link to the blog that awarded it.
4.The award winner and the one who has given the award have to show the link to "Arte Y Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. Show these rules.
My 5 special friends/awardees:
Geninne of Geninne's Art Blog - Superb watercolor illustrator , collage artist, handmade stamp maker, and all around wonderful person, Geninne has been a blog friend of mine from very early days of doing Illustration Friday back in 2005. BTW, If you like birds, you simply must check out her 20 bird designs she's just completed for her new house! Stunning!! Please stop by and say'll be glad you did!
Samantha of The Handmade Dress - You'll be blown away by this sweet young mother's unbelievable talent with a needle - be it sewing and appliqueing the most adorable little dresses for her girls or hand-crocheting lace trim (yes, people still do that by hand!!), Samantha will amaze you with her God-given gift. She even offers tutorials and has published a book on her crocheted edging technique. Give her a visit - you'll love it there!
Paula Becker of Whateverings - Paula is one very funny, talented gal - wow! Digital cartoons, smart greeting cards, cool children's resource and book illustrations...the list of her work goes on and on! She's always been so very helpful and encouraging to me, and her site never fails to make me smile - head over there and smile for yourself!
Dawn of The Feathered Nest - This sweetheart excels at taking humble bits of this and that and making gorgeous collage and assemblage pieces out of them - I marvel at what she can create with twigs and twine, vintage papers, old watches, lace, ribbons and the like! Her work inspires me to see beauty in the little everyday things that surround us, but that we don't always take notice of. Please go and check it out - I'm sure she'd love a visit from you!
Kari & Kijsa - If you've never been introduced to this delightful-dynamic-duo-of-diet-coke-drinking-decorating-designers, then you're in for a real treat. They are clever, resourceful, multi-talented sisters who have quite a knack for balancing the lovely and the practical - and always with an extra helping of whimsy! Always inspirational, always accessible, always fun, they will most assuredly make you feel at home, and make you feel like you can really achieve the great looks that they do. In fact, they regularly invite readers to post their own ideas to the numerous decorating
dilemmas that they receive. Head on over and prepare to be delighted!
and other things...
I know, I's Wednesday and still no Way Back Wednesday for May yet :o( - alas, I will likely go to writing them once a month since I can't seem to get them done twice a month...and I was doing so well when I started - EVERY week...oh well, thanks for your understanding. But I am still planning to do 1997 next. But in June, get ready - BIG stuff happening for me that I can't wait to share - let me just share these little tid bits...3 year blog birthday, big party and giveaway, and a grand opening -'s gonna be a whirlwind of activity and fun and inspiration, so please don't miss out!! Full, official announcements coming REALLY soon!!!