Wednesday, October 31, 2007
2008 Calendar Sneak Peek (February)

Monday, October 29, 2007
Illustration Friday: Trick or Treat

Cool Stuff Coming...

- The BEST Treasure Hunting weekend ever - it'll take a couple of hours just to take photos!! Lets just say that it was a perfect storm of the twice annual Woodlands Flea Market and finding an estate sale where the person was a collector - and his kids wanted everything gone....TONS of great bargains!!!
- February and October on my illustration calendar will be revealed this week!!!
- New Illustration Friday submission to share...
- New photos of the kids, including Baby Hope of course - too cute!!
- Makeover Monday - this is a great project!!
- Workspace MeMe - photos of where I create
- A Christmas Gift-Guide for Handcrafted goodies!!
- And TaDa - my first ever give-away is coming up SOON!!!

HUGS to you all - see you REAL soon!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Pumpkin Parable

The next day, she posted a cute, cute coloring page for kiddos to go along with the parable - great idea!!
In the comment section from her first pumpkin post, another sweet gal shared a link for a tract she created that relays the pumpkin parable so well - I've included a link to it here too.
I really don't want to get into a big theological discussion about Halloween, it's origins, etc - I just wanted to share what I thought was a touching story that brings glory to God (which is my stated goal on the blog). I'll leave theological wranglings to others. By the way, here is another resource about the pumpkin parable over at Annie's Homepage. She has MANY other lengthy, good pages about Halloween symbols, etc - all thought provoking and thorough...and from a Christian perspective.
SO, all this pumpkin talk has me thinking fondly of Halloweens from my childhood - thought I'd throw in an old funny photo of me and my older brother circa 1969 (that's me under the sheet - I apparently was Casper the Slobbering Ghost :o) And my, that was a pretty decent candy haul!! I remember that year my Aunt gave us rocks (just for fun of course) ala "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" animated classic. Poor old Charlie Brown and his rocks...

Well, no matter how you do or don't celebrate Halloween, this one thing is true: "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24 Every day belongs to Him!!

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear..." 1 John 4:18
Monday, October 22, 2007
2008 Calendar Sneak Peek!

And here is the finished art for January...

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Belated Blogging...Awards!

I also received the "You Lift Me Up" award from one of my newer blog-buddies, Becky (Sweet Cottage Dreams). She was gracious enough to pass that on to me and sweet Lallee for sharing Bible passages on our blogs and for "taking the time to open their hearts to the world and for making my heart and soul feel better." Thanks Becky!! Your warm and inviting cottage(this home you gotta see) and heart have been open to me since I first met you an I have loved being welcomed there so openly! Your joy in the sweet simple things in life is contagious! Hugs to you!
So now, I will pass these 2 awards jointly to the following inspirational, smart, thoughtful women and their beautiful, uplifting blogs:
- Toni (A Spattering) - Toni is an INCREDIBLE artist/calligrapher/naturalist and all around wonderful lady I have the privilege of knowing through blogging for quite a while now. Check out this gorgeous butterfly painting as just one recent example of her awesome talent. Thanks Toni for sharing your view of the world with all of us!
- Erin (White Shoes) - I am so glad to have found Erin Sherman's little home on the web through our joint affiliation with Illustration Friday. Her art is so fresh and cool (and CUTE) - Check out the detail in her latest work for IF's "Grow" topic - love all those neat textures! And here's an ode to absolute cuteness! But it's as much the message behind the images that inspires me, and for that, Erin, I thank you!
- Tracey (Notes From a Cottage Industry) - This entrepreneurial genius of a woman is a real inspiration to me in so many ways! She can turn ordinary junk into fabulous treasures with such grace, and she is very generous with sharing her tips and tricks. And from her kid's weddings to the Tumbleweed Cotillion - this gal can plan an event - my oh my - the glorious details! On top of it all, she always takes the time to reflect with her weekly "Words to Live By". Thanks Tracey!
- Geninne (Geninne's Art Blog) - This incredible, colorful artisan and craftsman scatters delight and sunshine with everything she creates. From her elegant watercolors to her finely sewn crafts, Geninne's work always inspires and uplifts! This latest commissioned trio of Scripture-inspired images is my kind of art - LOVE them! And an extra-special congratrulations to Geninne, who's artwork for "Open" was selected as one of the top 25 illustrations for an Illustration Friday gallery show in November...apparently there are a lot of other of Geninne's peers who think her work is awesome! Congrats Geninne, and thank you!
Those are just a few of the many, many wonderful men and women who inspire me daily out here in the wonderful world of Blogland - please explore my ever-growing set of links for lots more! And thank YOU for taking time out of your busy day or night to stop by here and look in on my little spot out here in the universe - it truly means the world to me!! Hugs and blessings to you all!!
Becky S.
Belated Birthday Blessings!

Well, my sweet Hubby has been so sick with a terrible cold and cough, and now I am sick too, so it's not been the most fun Birthday season ever, but I didn't want any more time to pass without sharing a special Birthday Blessing for Johnny with all of you! I am so crazy about this guy!! He is not only a very talented drummer, singer, songwriter, electrician, mechanic, carpenter and all around super-handyman, but he is a wonderful Dad and "PaPa John" to his kids and grandkids, beloved son-in-law and brother-in-law to my family, and a good-looking, hopeless romantic, ultra-gentleman, best friend and super-sweetheart to me. Best of all, he loves the Lord and loves His Word with all his heart! I just wanted to take a moment to brag on him to all of you and let you know how very blessed I am to have found this incredible man!!
Happy Birthday Baby!! Here's to many, many more birthdays together!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Illustration Friday: Extremes
"Probably nothing in the world arouses more false hopes than the first four hours of a diet.”
“Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.”
“The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off it.”
"The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook”
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Illustration Friday: Open
This is a special week for Illustration Friday participants - the topic is "Open", and for the first time ever, viewers will be allowed to vote for their 5 favorite designs! The top 25 overall will get to show their illustrations at an exclusive IF show at "Open" - an art gallery and bookstore in Long Beach, California opening on November 3rd. The voting will be open for 2 weeks. Click here to read more details and get in on the fun! There are a LOT of really great pieces this week - don't miss out!
When I saw that the topic was "open", I thought of everything from the mundane to the sublime, but it was ultimately the word "wonder" along with "open" that provided the initial inspiration for this piece. We are surrounded by wonder and beauty in everyday things and ordinary people - if we would just open our eyes to see it. Likewise, possibilities for our lives are wide open if we would just open our minds to them - dare to dream, take a chance... Finally, many times, from fear or lingering pain, we close ourselves off from love - it's too fraught with peril, too risky we say... but if we would open ourselves up to love - to receive it and to give it, we would find that the rewards FAR outweigh the risks!
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear..."
1 John 4:18
"We love because he first loved us."
1 John 4:19
"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4
"What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations."
Psalm 104:24
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Hope-lessly Addicted!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Illustration for Baby Hope
Photos to Share: Our Fabulous Weekend in Louisiana!

Hubby and I had a WONDERFUL trip to Louisiana this past weekend to see the kids and grandkids! On the way down last Wednesday after work we stayed at the gorgeous new farmhouse (on 7 wonderful acres) of some dear friends of mine, Connie and Buddy, whom I have known since High School. Since their home was on our route and Buddy had not yet met John, it was a perfect opportunity to make introductions and spend some quality time with them. Alas, I was so caught up in visiting that I completely neglected to take any photos of their place or their lovely family...but I certainly will the next time we go. (you GOTTA see their place!) But as a form of introduction, you might be interested to read the ongoing saga of their current project in their side-business (buying and restoring homes for investment property). Connie is writing this as a multi-installment article for Atticmag.com, a cool virtual collecting and home design magazine. Her series is called Reno-Nation and her writing style is hilarious! She's in the process of planning and starting a blog, and as soon as that's up and running, I'll be sure to link to it - can't wait!


Then, there was an old cookbook in a kettle that caught my eye (you can see it in the montage above), so I had to get a closer look - it was called "How to Cook Everything" by Mark Bittman. "Everything, huh?" I said to myself - "Let's see". So I opened it up and flipped through - once I saw this recipe for Grilled Octopus I thought "yep, that about covers it!"...
Don't say I never share recipes on this blog! :o)
Well, Friday night we got together with all the kids and grands and had a wonderful joint celebration for Kane's (Hope's brother) and Papa John's birthdays. (John's actual birthday is next week, but this was their only opportunity to celebrate with him until Christmas)

Kane enjoyed his cake (or should I say his icing) immensely...

Saturday morning, we headed over to see Drayk's soccer game (Drayk is Kane and Hope's older brother). His team won 7 to 0!!!!! Go Drayk!!

I was so impressed by Jill, the mom of these 3 beautiful children - she handles all the pressures of having 3 little ones with such grace...she is amazing...(so is Daddy Ryan, but he was working overtime this Saturday)

There was much more that happened this weekend- lots of family stuff that I don't have photos for or room to share here (tour of Travis' Paint and Body shop, Lunch with Tanya, lots of BBQ, Leah's plans to open a Pet Boarding business, the upcoming soap box derby, gandkids' various activities, etc). Suffice to say, a big vibrant family has a lot going on...
I am so blessed to have married into such a wonderful, beautiful family!!
My cup runneth over...
Monday, October 01, 2007
Illustration Friday: The Blues
Here are some of the blue accessories I have been collecting in anticipation of having a blue bedroom - you can see the massive swatch collection too...HELP!!

And here's an illustration I did for Illustration Friday in 2005 for "Blue" - it combines some of the shades of blue that I really love along with some of my favorite things...

"Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." Psalm 42:11
"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." Psalm 90:14
"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul." Psalm 94:19
"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy." Psalm 126:5
"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." Proverbs 15:30
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13