Psalm 34:18
That's the question I asked myself over and over again as I toured Israel last year. It was a wonderful journey in so many ways, but one of the most striking impressions that I still can't adequately describe is how it felt like a homecoming for me from the moment I stepped foot there, even though I had never been there before in my life. I can't begin to tell the story of my 11 day trip here, it would take an entire blog to do that - but I can say that the diverse beauty and awesome spirit of the Holy Land is in my heart and soul forever - remote no more.
(I tried to upload some photos from my trip, but Blogger would not cooperate - I'll try in a future post)
Next I headed off to my favorite breakfast (or lunch,or dinner) spot, Mimi's Cafe. Without hesitation I can say that that was one of the finest breakfasts I've ever had - everything was perfect! I had the "Pain Perdu", which is petite french toast stuffed with cream cheese and orange marmalade - yum! The coffee was piping hot, the orange juice was freshly squeezed, the bacon was crisp and delicious. Fresh flowers, linen napkins - beautiful! What a treat!
After breakfast, I headed across the parking lot to do a little "market research" - in other words, I went shopping. But seriously, I was trying to get a feel for the dominant color palette for the season. I wandred over to Pier 1 first. I haven't been in a Pier 1 store in years, but I've always loved it. It was a riot of colors, textures and aromas, just like I remembered - only better now. I really liked these candle holders, fun accessories, great pillows, and beautiful Li Bien ornaments (hand-painted from the inside of the glass ornament - wow). I really love the colors that are prominent this year - teal, loden green, paprika, goldenrod, nutmeg, dk. plum, all shades of pink, mocha, espresso, black and white - gorgeous! These colors are everywhere. Same story when I went next door to Target. I was definitely inspired by all the color!
After Target, I headed to a flea market that I haven't been to for a couple of years now. It's a fun old place that looks kinda like a fort...
I perused the shelves there for about an hour, enjoying all the fun junk, and thinking to myself that there's not one thing in all the world that I need. But, one shy little bunny called my name, and I had to bring her home...I know, I'm hopelessly addicted...
I couldn't resist her little ribbon rosebuds and sweet face. She's now happily occupying a spot just to the left of my monitor. I know...I know...get help!
On the way home, I stopped to pick up our dry cleaning, and the clerk had it waiting for me by the time I walked into the door - she said she knows my face and name now, so when she saw me get out of the car she grabbed our stuff. It's amazing to get good customer service these days - made me smile all the way home.
Once I got the mail and pet the dog, I headed back out once more to go to Hobby Lobby to see what's new there. It's such a kaleidoscope in that store - it's hard to see for all the stuff. But I enjoy it - and I particularly love their sales. Check out the ministry projects they're involved in as a corporation - very cool! Then, on to Blockbuster to pick up a couple of DVDs for the weekend...
Once I arrived back home, hubby was home from work and was in the mood for Outback for dinner - so off we went. It was really nice, not too crowded for a Friday evening, and everything was delicious. We drove home under the constant shower of falling leaves and a view of the sun sinking low over the mountains. Magical!
So, after watching a little Friday night TV (league championship baseball and Hope & Faith), we decided we were too tired to watch a movie, so I headed upstairs to download the day's photos from the camera and draw a couple of pictures for this rather lengthy, rambling post about my day. It's soooo nice to be able to have the time again to blog more than once a week - I hope I can keep it up....
All in all, it was a pretty perfect day by Becky standards. Thanks for letting me share it with you...
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
I'll continue to strive to bring you fun, inspirational, and informative links as I find them. Thanks for stoping by - I hope you find these useful!
Old fence near Meeker Peak...
Some kind of reddish leaves...
Golden hillside...