$8.00 Guest Bathroom Makeover!
Hello friends - it's time for another installment of Makeover Monday where I choose a makeover project, large or small, home or art-related, and share with you the before and after photos with commentary.
This week I will feature the makeover of our guest bathroom. It already had good bones and some basics in place (like a good shower curtain), but just needed some accessorizing in the worst way. The BEST part about this makeover was the price tag - approximately $8.00!!! Practically free!! (I LOVE decorating on the cheap!!) I gathered up stuff from here and there around the house and from my craft supplies (see below) and went from there...


I should mention here that my sweet-handy-hubby saw this cabinet in the trash and rescued/re-purposed it for the bathroom1! It had 3 cabinet doors and a blond/light oak finish - he cut it down to 2 cabinets, painted it glossy white, and hung it there as you see it. A nice blank canvas ready for me to embellish...

More Before...

And More After...

So, I pulled them all apart, flipped the prints over (which were glued to cardboard) and attached fabrics in coordinating colors with fusible webbing to the cardboard. Then I glued on coordinating vintage quilted heart shapes, trims, lace, floral wire, and buttons for bit of a shabby look. Finally, I placed them back in the frames, re-stapled them in and re-hung them.

I bought 2 sage green hand towels ($2.44 each at WalMart) to use in the space - one of which I draped over my existing pink towel on the towel rack - I tied it off with a 6 inch scrap of ribbon (it's just pinned in the back) to tie it all together. I put the other hand towel through the little towel ring by the sink and embellished it with a stuffed quilt heart I already had...

Hubby and I finished off the rest of the room by hanging this china ivy platter above the door (china - its not just for the dining room anymore).

And one last little touch hung on the doorknob - a velvet pillow with ribbon embroidery given to me by a dear friend - with a nice thought that's a good promise to remember...

Hi Becky!! Look how cute your bathroom turned out! I am loving each and every inch of it!!! What a great idea to reinvent those pictures with the quilted hearts and all of that embellishment. You certainly outdid yourself on your project. Oh, let me not forget to goo-goo over your rose painted cabinet. The Lord has given you a huge blessing of artistic ability and brains! He definetly guides your hands to create such beauty! Hey, stop by today to see the little award that I am passing onto you...love you!