I've decided to kick off a weekly feature on Just Bee 'n Me called Make-Over Monday. I hope to share a make-over project each Monday, complete with before and after photos. The make-over could be large or small, and might involve anything from a room in my house to an older piece of artwork that I redo, and anything in between.
To start things off, I tackled the most problematic (translated: "messy") room in my house - my Studio. Actually, a better term for this room is my "Playroom". Most of my artwork these days is created digitaly on the computer in my home office - but the studio is definitely the place I go to dream and plan and get inspired. In preparation for my wedding, however, the studio was most definitely a working room. I created all the floral arrangements in there as well as stored all the numerous boxes and piles of stuff it takes to pull off a wedding. So, the studio took a real beating during those months and it needed work in the worst way.
Here are the series of before and after shots. Now this part of the make-over is just cleaning/straightening/and some de-cluttering - long term plans for the studio involve much more re-organizing and eventually redecorating - but this was the first necessary step to get the ball rolling...





Now off to do a little dreaming and planning in the studio...at least now I can step in the room without tripping...