Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Illustration Friday: Heroes

This week's Illustration Friday theme is "Heroes"...

Among the many heroes I could think of, I chose to honor an unsung hero - teachers. The illustration is called "A Day in the Life of a Hero". (see larger version here) I was fortunate to have had many great teachers that shaped me, taught me and changed me for the better, I hope. They wear numerous hats, work long hours, and do it all for not a lot of money. So, I thought I would give them their props - after all, I don't think we could be reading or writing this without them.


  1. This is a beautiful tribute to the best heros of all. Nice illustration!

  2. Thats a really nice idea and well executed too. Excellent!

  3. well said and illustrated!
    ....been waiting for your entry actually.

  4. Great piece, and great subject for our theme. I don't think teachers get enough respect or credit for the work they do. Kudos to you, and to teachers everywhere.

  5. What a fabulous take on this theme , Becky. I have three kids and my middle child has special needs. I am utterly amazed when I come across special ed teachers that really put their heart and soul into their work. It warms my heart that there are people out there like that. Yay for Teachers!
    Great illustration!

  6. Anonymous11:05 PM

    This is a truly fabulous much work you put into it! Lovely...


  7. Anonymous5:52 AM

    wow, I love this. You're one of my favourites this week too. Absolutely great.


  8. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I love the look and style of this.. its just great!

  9. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Very well done, my bunny friend. It turned out great!!

  10. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Your details are so amazing, I loved your portrayal of the many different faces of teaching.
    They do play a vital part in our children's lives. Great job!!!

  11. Anonymous10:50 PM

    they are the real heroes of all times.. and they always will be.. this is a great idea and very sweet illo.. I LOVE IT !I really like the Zoologist and Botanist part because it is also my major :)
    very lovely..

  12. This is superb! I love that you've chosen to honour those people who put something back into society and the world, and how you've done it - through one person, a teacher (and choosing a woman for "Heroes" is apt too).

    The execution is perfect and very pleasing - just a lovely piece!

  13. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Many thanks you guys for your kind remarks. I'm so grateful that you graced my page with your words of encouragement! SDG

  14. Anonymous9:29 AM

    This is wonderful! Smart and funny and, of course, beautifully rendered.

  15. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I love this! You've inspired me to draw something similar! :-D


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