Hello, and welcome back to Tea for Two-sday! Each Tuesday I will invite a couple of my blog buddies, who might otherwise not meet, over to Just Bee 'n Me for a spot of tea and for a chance for me to show off some of their yummy goodies that drew me to them in the first place!
This week, I am so excited to introduce you to two very talented ladies who have captured my heart and imagination with their unique brand of creativity - please say hello to Jill of Bailiwick Designs and Susan of My Sweet Imaginations!!!
Jill is such a wonder with a camera...as well as with a needle and thread - she is truly multi-talented! As regular participant in Sadie Olive's Shades of Inspiration, Jill has continued to hone her photographic skills and show off her fabulous color sense and composition - check out her recent "Red & White" and "Turquoise" posts to see some great examples...though there's LOTs more throughout her site! Just GORGEOUS!!! Jill also participated in 30 Days of Photos - see her entire collection here! Simply stunning!
I also mentioned needle and thread - yep, Jill's got it going on in the sewing department too!! Here's a portfolio of her past and current creations - LOVE it all!! I'm sure you will too... Please pay my sweet friend Jill a visit, and head over to her Etsy shop as well - and prepare to be delighted! Oh and Jill, can I move into your L'Atelier, please!??!

(Photos courtesy of Jill Burgess)
And now, it is my pure pleasure to introduce Susan of My Sweet Imaginations!! OK, for you cute junkies out there like me, you may want to sit down...oh wait, you're already sitting down :o) OK, then prepare to be swept up in a sea of glittery sweetness and captivating cuteness as you look through Susan's site!! First off, the off-the-charts adorable clothespin dolls that she fashions are wonderful - I've included only a couple of photos here, but check out some of these others from past posts, most of which have already taken up residence in their new homes...look here and here ...just as a few examples. Didn't I tell you? - CUTE!!
But, like Jill, there are more layers to Susan's talents - her beautiful paintings and lovely fabric/paper collages highlight another aspect of her creativity. The girls that grace her paintings have poignant smiles and wistful glances that capture both the innocence and whimsy of youth.
Please drop by and say hello to Susan - from her website, you can visit her gallery where she has a link to her Flickr gallery as well as a host of photos of past painting projects. You can shop for Susan's treasures at her Etsy shop and you can even inquire about special orders from her website shop link! Oh, and don't miss her blog for keeping up with all the latest cuteness!!

Well, I know I'm inspired - how about you? I hope you'll stop by and say hello to these fine artists - I know they would appreciate a visit!! And sweet Jill and Susan - enjoy a cup of tea on Just Bee 'n Me - and a BIG HUG and thank you to you both for being my guests on this edition of Tea for Two-sday! Don't miss next week's Tea - YOU just might be the guest of honor!!
Thanks so much for introducing these two ladies to us ~ I spent a little time visiting each blog and they are both lovely! Can't wait to visit again!
ReplyDeleteI'm also enjoying yours. I think it's great that you're having Twosday teas for your friends and I love to see all the pictures you post.
I was excited to see the LPM cookbook too! I'm going to try and order a couple copies today.
Thanks again and I'll be visiting again soon!