Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Illustration Friday: Night

The night sky never ceases to inspire me - the nightly dance of the moon and stars, choreographed to perfection by the Creator, delights and thrills me. Wonder and awe fill me as I gaze upward - how can it be that this masterful symphony of shimmering perfection is lavished on me...mere me? And I realize that the Father delights in delighting His children! He splashes sunsets and northern lights and shooting stars all across the vast canvas of the universe - and for all their beauty, they only HINT at the majesty of their Maker. WOW!
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Psalm 19:1-4
Done in Painter 9 (click image to see a larger version)


  1. VERY nice littering layout... alternating italics and Capitals and changing sizes. Your girl has a lot of Tomie DePaola about her.

  2. Very nicely composed - the use of dark and light areas and colour - but for some reason I seem to want that Moon to have a white border around it :).

  3. It is a perfect illustration and sentiment for this

  4. Anonymous5:14 AM

    This is a very nice piece. The first thing that comes to mind is that if you stretch this out vertically it would be a perfect bookmark design.

    I have done a few illustrated verses myself and I like the way you have chosen to break the lines.

  5. i like how you illustrated the changing of colors and how it would be so dark at the end and yet there would be the light of the moon and the stars

  6. Very nice design to express the sweet senitments. Good job.

  7. Anonymous11:02 AM


  8. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Beaufitul! Good for a postcard :) Or maybe even a greeting card.

  9. beautiful. and i agree with the others; this would make a wonderful bookmark and card.

  10. Becky,
    Now you are thinking like a calligrapher. ;)
    Love , love, love the colors
    and your layout is exactly how a lot of Calligraphers do it.
    Intermixing lettering styles.
    try layering text sometime.

  11. Always such inspiration here, Becky! This is lovely...the sky has that perfect color of new night, the stars and moon are so delicate, and the silhoutted mountains are dramatic. Your little figure is precious! Thanks for yet another lovely post that brought a smile to my face:>>>>

  12. Hi Becky -
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my "Night" lady:> To satisfy your curiosity about the line takes a long time and I get very drawn into it (no pun). I guess it is a form of therapy, because I find it both calming and energizing at the same time! Take care:> Carla

  13. Thanks for visiting my blog! I´love your style, it´s very clear and poetical.

  14. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Okay, my dear friend! I want a bookmark or card of this and your other designs! Your incredible talent and expression leaves me speechless. You have the words and pictures--the music plays in my heart when I look upon your beautiful work! Love and hugs!

    your bf


I am deeply appreciative of the time you've taken to leave a comment - thank you!