Saturday, July 23, 2005

Illustration Friday: Tranquility

The theme for this week's Illustration Friday is Tranquility. This is a first for me, but I'm using a piece of artwork I already had that I think fits the bill. This was a concept for a greeting card that never really went anywhere, so I'm happy that it's finding a new purpose here. Many times, tranquility is best savored and appreciated when it follows on the footsteps of adversity.


  1. Very nice. Love the bunny slippers.

  2. "a day full of troubles, needs a tub full of bubbles"-beautiful and with its adorable illustration -I can’t see any reason why it cannot be in market.

    By the way, I had a nice time reading overflow-

  3. Both we thought about bath subject. Nice illo !!

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    you know this is great.. got to and make your cards! you love it.

  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Cute! make your greeting cards happen - i have a dear friend who i know would totally appreciate receiving this in the post mail. :)

  6. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Now there's a mantra to live by...

  7. this is awesome, Bee! She little mouse is so very sweet, your colors are cheerful and the quote is perfect. I cannot believe you didn't sell this. Try submitting again or to another publisher! My Aunt , who loves mice (well, drawings of them anyway)would lose her mind over this.

  8. Anonymous3:41 PM

    So sweet. The slippers are the cutest.


  9. It's a terrific card, so I don't know why it hasn't been snapped up! The colour scheme in particular is balanced beautifully and it has a serene air. Actually, it sort of promotes both coffee and bubblebaths as relaxing, which is clever. A happy mouse! What would be inside the card?

  10. So cute!!!! It could really be an illustration for an Italian Bookchain for children (The main character is called Geronimo Stilton and it's a mouse living in a mouseworld...have a look in google image search!!)

  11. Great Stuff Bee!
    nothing like a good bath.

  12. THANK YOU! You are all so kind with your comments and encouragement! I have a Cafepress store that I've done very little with. I am making plans to rev it up for the holiday season...thanks for the nudges!! - Becky - SDG

  13. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Sonshine Bunny,
    When I saw one of my favorite drawings of your portfolio, it reminded me of "Sabbath Moments" that Beth Moore taught us to treasure from last week's study. You, my dear friend, have savored those precious moments and made them part of who you are. Thanks for sharing that part of your personality with me. You bring so much sunshine to others and I'm thrilled that many out there are getting to know the Sonshine that I dearly love.
    Always your fan and bunny friend,
    Morning Glory


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