Sunday, July 10, 2005

Illustration Friday: Metropolitan

This week's theme for Illustration Friday is "Metropolitan".
Definition: Of, relating to, or characteristic of a major city
I perhaps made a bit of a stretch with my take on the metropolitan theme this week. I wanted to "zoom in" a bit down to the more intimate level of the big city - so I did images from a sidewalk cafe. This is a favorite setting for dessert and coffee with friends after a hard day of shopping in the city. I also went digital this week using Painter to get the desired, more loose look and the cut-out layered effect of the picture elements. (click here to see larger image). Although I was initially quite stumped as to how to proceed with this week's theme, I really enjoyed the process once I settled on my idea.


  1. I love this! Esp. the 3-D quality and the color combinations.

  2. nice idea and illustration. i love the colors you used.

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    oh this is great! I also love the color combinations.. GreatIllo!

  4. The colors work so well to give it a bright spring effect and I really likd the white around the objects to give that cut out look. It has a very uplifting feel.

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I love it. Love the perky colors! Just discovered your blog a few days ago and love reading it.

  6. Not a stretch at all...your concept and your illustration are equally delightful.

  7. Anonymous1:02 AM

    I agree. Love the colors, your style here, and your solution to the IF subject this week. Good job, Becky!

  8. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Very Sweet, I love the colors.

  9. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I love it! Great take on the Metropolitan idea...very creative.
    Looks like a design that should be on the sign of that coffee shop in the city..."Metro Moments".

  10. I have an urge for cake now!

  11. lovely depiction for this week's theme, Bee! I, too, love some coffee after a hard day of shopping. Great colors and "close up"

  12. Anonymous6:49 PM

    cool colors! mmm..*-* i wanna a pay..yuuuum


  13. I really thought you had cut these out! This is a great take on the theme and has an intimate feel, but mostly I reckon these should be on coasters in a coffee shop somewhere uptown!

  14. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Beautiful! I would totally buy this if it were a card!

  15. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Great, and different than the buildings most of us has illustrated. The cup is my favourite. I love it.


  16. Anonymous9:52 PM

    It is awesome. I love it.


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