Monday, August 15, 2005

Illustration Friday: Wisdom

Ah Wisdom - one of my favorite topics ever for Illustration Friday! I had many, many thoughts about how to illustrate this, but I finally settled on the wisdom of God as evidenced in His wonderful creation. (click here to see larger version of illustration). When I look around me, I see magnificent wonders, large and small, that sing out to their Maker - and I want to join in that chorus with them! His incredible Wisdom, reflected in His glorious creation reminds me that He's a lot smarter than me, and it would be wise to approach life with an attitude of humility and honor towards Him!

"What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations."
Psalm 104:24 (The Message)

Here are some other favorite verses on Wisdom:


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Beautiful. It looks like something my wife would by at the Christian book store and hang in our room. She loves posters with verses. Well done, Becky!

  2. What a wonderful illustration to go with such a wonderful quote. Praise God@

  3. Beautiful thoughts and a beautiful illustration. I love the flowers spilling over the border. The top section looks like a stained-glass window...very nice!

  4. right, it would be a nice poster to hang on the wall. it is really lovely and the verses that goes with. 'got to go and read more of those....

    feeling a bit better now. thanks!

  5. Your drawing breathes freshness and freedom. Nice work !!

  6. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Great illo, Twinkie!! Love the colors - and especially those cattails by the pond! Good choice to use the Message version...fits really well.
    You amaze me. :-)

  7. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Do you do these by hand? Amazing, girl!

  8. Thanks all! You're too kind! This was done by hand on Bristol board, inked in with a felt pen, then colored with colored pencils. I then scanned it in, cleaned it up a bit in a paint program, and added the text.

  9. hey there!

    i have to so simply and nothing more!

    nice job and keep it up!


  10. That is just wonderful! Joyful and colorful. Beautifully done.

  11. Thats lovely - my mum would love that as a poster

  12. Wow! What a wonderful and elaborate illo! Such a nice message. You have great style! Beautiful.

  13. Anonymous3:56 PM

    This looks so beautiful. I love all the details and the strong colors. The bird in the front is my favorite. So cute.


  14. Oh this is lovely. Your illo really should be a poster.

    Thanks for the bible verses.

    What brand of colored pencils do you use?

  15. Anonymous9:35 AM

    ~I LOVE it Becky~

  16. Anonymous8:26 PM

    May I bow and kiss your feet?

    Here is my current project:

  17. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Such a wonderful illustration and passage, bright and hopeful. Thank you for sharing.

  18. Anonymous1:52 AM

    What a lovely, joyful illustration!

  19. This picture conveys such joy! I love the integrated sense of the wonder of the world it conveys - can wonder and wisdom coexist? Absolutely!

  20. What an absolutely joyous picture!

  21. This is beautiful! I love your style and the process behind it. I'm trying to work the same way. Draw by hand, touch up a bit by computer.

    Thanks for checking out my blogger.

  22. Great illustration on a nice Blog. Very well done.



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