Monday, August 08, 2005

Illustration Friday: Empty

I finally had time to get in a quick submission to Illustration Friday. This week's theme is "Empty", and when I read it, I almost immediately thought of how we tend to try to fill ourselves with any number of things when we feel empty inside. Things are a poor substitute for our heart's deepest need, and they can ultimately cheat us of our very heart and soul...

"What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?" Mark 8:36 (The Message)
The second idea that I almost did for this week's theme has already been done very well by 2 folks that I've seen (perhaps by others...sorry if I missed you). It is Empty Nest. Here's Rick's version and the Crafty Girl's version. I really liked these...
Instead of the usual empty nest syndrome for people whose children have left home, I had in mind the empty nest from the perspective of couples who suffer from infertility. This has touched me and my husband personally as well as other family members. Great news for one of those family members - my sister-in-law and her husband are having their twins tomorrow (a boy and a girl!) - after 11 years of trying including at least 3 failed invetro attempts. We're so happy for them that finally their nest will be overflowing!!


  1. Wonderful illo and great quote - so true, so true. Money & power do not make people truely happy. It is the little important things - like becoming an AUNT !!! Congratualtions! This is VERY exciting news.

  2. "What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?" Mark 8:36 .....i almost cried when Hannah have asked me to elaborate what it means, one day when i was so sad and reflecting about my life. i was thinking she wanted to tell me something.....

  3. Anonymous4:34 AM

    I had almost given up, and it happened when we had stopped trying (much like love). It happened when I decided not to worry, and realized that I could be happy adopting if need be. It sounds silly but I had also read that a baby asprin a day might help, and i think it did. That, a relaxing change of scene...

    Thank you for this piece, and an important reminder.

  4. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I really like the idea behind this, it's a very important message. The illustration looks good too, I love the little purse.


  5. Love this and it's so true.

  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    A lovely image, Becky and a beautiful message as well.
    I am so glad I visited this site.

  7. Anonymous10:06 AM

    You should make a Pocket Bible, a little book of illustrated verses to have on hand as reminders.

    I love this to bits.

  8. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Love the illo!
    You have a really great way of working with color... love it!
    Mine was also an "Empty Nest" entry... but I love your take on that idea as well.

    Keep it up... would love to see more!

  9. Wonderful verse to go with the picture. I love the white around the items, almost making them look like stickers, it makes them pop out but at the same time, helps put them is their place as what is and isn't important since it helps to emphasize that they are simply material things.

  10. i like this one - i like your style and the message!! and thank you for your comment on an earlier post!

  11. Nice message and beatiful colors in your illo!

  12. Nice illustration! I like how the images look 3D...very cool. I love the verse too! Great message.

    Thanks so much for your comment. Oh and congratulations on becoming an Aunt! How exciting!!

  13. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I love it and your thoughts that go with it. Being empty, really, when we can see with truth is a blessing because we get to fill it with the real and right ONE and then we're spilling out and overflowing.


  14. Sadly, we're living in increasingly materialistic times. This is a strong statement even without the text. I love the colour balance.

    Maybe materialism is the "real you" to some people...

  15. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Great verse and lovely art to go along with it. You can tell you put a lot of thought into it.

    -Shade Tree

  16. Anonymous10:02 PM

    great message and very nice illo..!

  17. Becky,

    I don't know how I missed your's great, and I love the message. You and I must have been on a similar philosophical wavelength this week. Thanks for commenting on mine; it brought me here to look at yours!

    Cheers :>

  18. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Excellent take on the topic and I can totally relate. I get into the gimmee gimmess when I feel other things in my life getting out of control.
    Nice illo and message.

  19. Anonymous9:31 AM

    the above comment is from meg at June25th, btw... forgot to type my name! :)


I am deeply appreciative of the time you've taken to leave a comment - thank you!