I was recently "tagged" by my hip sweetheart galpal
Madame Heather to provide answers to the following questions. Not wishing to appear hopelessly un-hip, I'm playing along:
Where was I ten years ago?
I was back in college after a long absence, taking a figure drawing class and a 3-D design class. I was SO much older than everyone (34 then), but it didn't seem to matter when the charcoal hit the paper. At least it wasn't a PE class.
Five years ago?
I was traveling around the country non-stop with my IBM training job, longing for a respite from the constant motion. It finally came when I was laid off from one division of the company and hired right back by another division of the company. The new position (the same one I have today) was home based...literally. I work 100% from home!
One year ago?
We were just about to begin the Beth Moore "Believing God" study in the Fall of '04 - we had over 200 women sign up, and being the leader of this fairly new ministry, I was in a full blown panic. I hadn't quite learned the believing God part yet...but He took care of us as He always does!
Bowling with my hubby for the first time in 10 years. I bowled a 67.
Five snacks I enjoy: (Weight Watchers points values added to keep me honest)
- Chips and salsa (12 chips = 3 points, salsa is point-free)
- Cashews (app. 3 points for 1/4 cup)
- Peanut M&Ms (5 points per bag)
- Big Cheez-It Crackers (4 points for 13 crackers)
- Chocolate chip cookie dough (don't want to know...)
Five Songs I know all the words to:
- Amazing Grace
- Fire and Rain by James Taylor
- Anticipation by Carly Simon
- I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
- Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Five Things I would do with $100 million:
- Pay off every mortgage in mine and B's immediate families
- Set up a permanent endowment for an orphanage
- Go on a safari
- Restore an old Victorian house
- Pay for college for all my nieces and nephews
Five Locations I would like to run away to:
- Back to the Galilee region in Israel
- Carmel, CA
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Salzburg, Austria
- Fredericksburg, TX
Five Bad Habits I have:
- Procrastination
- Leaving lights on everywhere
- Drinking milk from the carton
- Grinding my teeth
- Blogging REALLY late at night (like now)
Five things I like doing:
- Blogging REALLY late at night (like now)
- Arranging magazine cut-outs in an album
- Singing in the car
- Coloring
- Riding my bike in the morning and seeing the sunrise
Five things I would never wear:
- Polyester pants
- Mini skirts (see snacks I like for explanation)
- Leopard print anything
- Purple nail polish
- Thigh-high boots
Five TV shows I like:
- Extreme Makeover - Home Edition
- Divine Design - HGTV
- West Wing
- Rick Steve's Europe
- Everybody Loves Raymond
Five Favorite toys:
- Nikon D70 digital camera
- Wacom Tablet
- Mini CD-making kit
- Pasta maker
- My bike
Five Biggest Joys of the Moment:
- Mornings with God
- My bunny girlfriends (including my Mom)
- My new imaginary friends on the internet
- Being immersed in creativity again - it's been too long
- My miracle twin niece and nephew born on Tuesday (I'll post their pictures soon)
Now at this point, I am supposed to tag five people with the same challenge, so - you're it:
And dearest Annette (AKA wynle) tagged me too with this quickie 5:
List 5 idiosyncrasies about myself:
- I sometimes look at people's necklaces, eyebrows, earrings, glasses, etc while they're talking to me, rather than look them in the eye..but I'm getting better about that
- Half the time I leave the house, I circle back around the block to check to make sure I shut the garage door
- I routinely rescue wasps that are drowning in the dog's water bowl
- I have to rip out all the card stock inserts in magazines before I can even begin to read the magazine (I get that one from my mom)
- I randomly shorten, lengthen, or completely change people's names when I talk to them (Sue = SusieQ, Jaime = James, etc)
Anybody who wants to can do either one or both of these - have fun!