Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Already August?!

Happy, Happy August!!

My oh my, August came so fast for me that it's already the 6th and I'm just now posting my welcome-to-August post. Whoooshhh!! Oh, and my August illustration from the Calendar (above) is so serene is definitely a stylized version of real least my real life. I actually have 2 green chairs like the one in the illustration (they were my Grandparent's)...but they are soaking wet and covered with pine needles, leaves and dirt following the good soaking we got yesterday from Tropical Storm Edouard. Oh and I wouldn't set a tea cup and blueberry muffin on my back porch table to save my life - it is, ahem, quite dirty...I can't blame that on the storm...just on my aversion to wiping it down every two or three days which is what it would take to remotely keep it clean...

You see, we live, basically, in a rain forest...I'm exaggerating of course, but it takes incredible vigilance (which I don't have) to keep my semi-covered porch clean in this soggy, wet, mosquito and tree-infested place. (Relax, I love trees, I just get frustrated that they insist on "shedding" all over my porch!) Oh how I sometimes envy the folks who live in dry climates who can actually put things like pillows and chandeliers and throws and silver tea sets and glass trays and such on their porches and leave them there for more than just a photo shoot...wouldn't that be nice...

Hey, that's OK. I love our life here - even if it is devoid of muffins-on-the -porch....I wouldn't trade it for anyplace, anywhere, because love lives our home and in our hearts....

In celebration of August, I did want to share a couple of things that are special to me about this month in general, and this month in 2008 in particular. August is the month of morning glories - which I simply adore! Here are some photos of real,actual morning glories that I grew in Colorado...

BTW, if you like morning glories, check out Karla Dornacher's clip art/scrapbook graphic downloads here and here - just over-the-top adorable, practical, and very inspirational!


Later in the month, my dear friend Sue (the sweetie I drew the FROG illustration for) and her awesome Hubby Bill are coming here from Colorado to celebrate their anniversary with Johnny and I for 4 glorious days!! We are SO excited to host them - oh what fun we will have!! (more on that later in the month) Well, it just so happens that I call Sue "Morning Glory" or "MG" for short. How I came to call her MG is a long story, but it involves spending many glorious early mornings (we are both morning people) at her lovely home on her lovely porch enjoying sharing our friendship and our faith over coffee. I really miss those times with her - they were magical. I guess I'd better get busy cleaning up my scruffy porch so that when she comes we can at least sit out there in relative cleanliness and enjoy our coffee. Too bad it'll probably be 100 degrees with 90% humidity though...oh well...the friendship and faith we share are the most important things...they won't wilt in the heat...

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you." Psalm 143:8


I'd love to hear what YOU love about August, wherever you may be...!


  1. Hi Becky,
    Happy August to you as well. We also have 2 of those great old chairs that now sit on our son's front porch. I love your illustration too.
    I hope you have a great time with your friends coming for a visit.
    Stay cool in our heat. Wow it has been hot here in the Lone Star State. AND, you are so right, it takes lots of effort to keep the patio wiped down and ready for relaxing. That's Texas!

    I am having a giveaway. I invite you to stop by and leave a comment. It would be an honor for me to have you enter!
    Blessings, Celestina
    la rea rose

  2. Oh my! There's so much to comment on. I'm glad to hear that Eduardo only rained on you. We got some rain and damaging winds in our neighborhood. I'm lucky enough to be able to leave out pillows and cushions, but still have to fight with the Mosquitoes! They LOVE me.
    And I LOVE your morning glories. They truly are glorious. Hope you have lots of fun with your friends!
    Patricia :o)

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Oh my adorable Sunshine....I just got back from a refreshing bike ride thinking of you and that we will be together in just 11 more days. Can you believe it? I have to admit,I've been a little concerned about the heat and humidity. I even experienced it this morning since we too got blessed with lots of moisture here in Colorado. I cooled down on the deck looking at our newest addition to the yard, water treatment. I also think of you during this time of the year because of the Sculptor Arts in the Park and how I would love walking through the park and under the tents looking at all the gifts God has endowed on His children with you. But I will richly settle for visiting your site and praying for more anointing on your heavenly gift. As always, you bring tears to my eyes when I think of our friendship and those precious moments on our back porch. Lots of seeds where planted in those early morning visits and our Father is being glorified for all He's done in our lives.
    Love, kisses and hugs,
    Morning Glory

    P.S. I did ride by some beautiful morning glory vines this morning!

  4. I have a hybrid morning glory that blooms all day long. It is the deepest blue and I have made the mistake of not planting it on a long white fence. That would bring out all it's glory! Instead it is creeping in a flower bed and has outgrown it's wire trellis. I love flowers but I am a horrible gardener. My favorite August thing? It would have to be the dark lavender crepe myrtles I've seen blooming in our town. I just love the dusky lavender color...


I am deeply appreciative of the time you've taken to leave a comment - thank you!