Friday, July 18, 2008

The Siesta Fiesta Cookbook Cover Contest! (Please Vote!)

7/23/08 UPDATE: Hi y'all!! The voting continues till 5:00 pm MST (earlier I mistakenly said EST) today (Thursday 7/23) if you haven't made it there yet. For those of you who have voted (for whomever) I'm just so thankful for your participation...the cookbook sales are going for a really good cause, so hopefully the cover, no matter which is chosen, will help enhance sales... Thanks again!!

My Submission:
Siesta Fiesta Cookbook Cover Contest!

I am SO excited to be participating in the Siesta Fiesta Cookbook Cover contest!! So what is a "siesta" and why are they making a cookbook? Well, if you'll hang with me for just a moment, I'll try to set it up:

First off, Beth Moore and Living Proof Ministries have a blog - (I would highly encourage you to check it out if you've never been there...she has a summer online Bible study going plus wonderful and sometimes downright hilarious devotionals, recipes, and more). And if you've never heard of Beth Moore (awesome Bible teacher/speaker and all around great, beautiful, funny servant of God), I would also highly recommend any of her great Bible studies or books...just fabulous!!! (I could easily write 100 blog posts about how her teaching has impacted my life)

Anywhoo, she (Beth) coined the name "Siesta" - and here's the explanation of how from their blog:

What's a "Siesta"?
Isn't "siesta" the Spanish word for nap? Yes! Then why are our LPM blog readers called siestas? One time Beth typed out the word "sistas," referring to our blog readers, and her spell checker wanted her to change it to "siestas." The name stuck! You can read about it
here. If you read this blog, consider yourself a siesta! It's just another word for sister.

Well, somewhere along the line, in anticipation of the upcoming Living Proof Live Conference in San Antonio, the "Siestas" were invited to a blogger get together called the "Siesta Fiesta". And some time after that, the Siesta Fiesta blog was created, and since the blogging Siestas often share recipes in the comments, Holly from the SF blog had the idea to create a Cookbook based on the recipes to sell at the Fiesta as well as online (you can read more here). And from that came the Cookbook Cover Contest which is why you're reading about this here...whew! The awesome thing about the sale of the cookbook is that $5.00 from every $13.50 of the sales price will go to dig a well for Life Outreach International!!! Great cause!!

I hope you'll take a moment and vote for the cover of your choice. This is not a contest for $$ or anything like that (though there is a Chili's gift certificate in it for the winner!) - it's just to support a good cause and make the cookbook colorful and special for the siestas. The winner will be announced on July 24th, so you have a few days to vote...oh, and you can only vote once. :o)

Love to all you Siestas out there!


  1. I voted for you, and not just because you are a friend, because your illustration really is the best! Beautiful work Becky!

  2. Anonymous12:02 PM

    You've got my vote. An awesome, totally outstanding, incredible, fabulous design. You're the best and my favorite illustrator.
    MorningGlory and
    Bridger's Great Aunt

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Hey Becky,

    I just wanted to say that you did an awesome job on the illustration!!! So you use illustrator, draw, it or have those digital scrap book design programs? For the life of me I couldnt figure out of you drew part of it or what? Just AMAZING! Great work!!!!

    Your loving competitor,

  4. Love your illustration, it is SO fun and beautiful!

    I'll pop over and vote!

    Happy day, Becky!

    xo & blessings,

  5. Hi Becky,
    I just voted for your beautiful cover. It was so great to see all the other ladies' works. How fun!
    Patricia :o)

  6. I voted for you! And I really do think your illustration is the BEST!!
    Blessings to you!

  7. Just stopping by today, while I finish the editing (or should be!) for the cookbook.

    Did you get your Chili's card? I hope so! I sent it at the beginning of company coming last week.

    I think you have an amazing gift for design. My Mom's an artist, too. I pray that God will continue to bless and establish the work of your hands, Becky!


I am deeply appreciative of the time you've taken to leave a comment - thank you!