Thursday, January 12, 2006

Illustration Friday: Sea

I get a kick thinking about all of creation praising their Creator. I wish I could hear it the way God does. But we CAN get a taste of it - the sunrise that practically sings with its glory, flowers that whisper heartbreaking beauty and fragrance, and the sweet symphony of the mighty sea as it crashes and sparkles and bubbles. I pray that my life would join in with all creation and dance to the rythym of joyful praise to my Creator!
"Make a joyful symphony before the LORD, the King! Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the earth and all living things join in. Let the rivers clap their hands in glee! Let the hills sing out their song of joy." (Psalm 98:6-8)


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    The theme of the week at Mom's Day Out is Ocean creatures. Fun!

  2. What a fantastic take on the theme. Glad to have you back. You have been MISSED!
    I hope to start participating in illo friday again soon too.

    Glad your getting settled in now. No matter how hard you try, it's a major deal!

  3. Very inspirational! And - your octpus is so vert talented! Wonderful illustration, Becky. I'm all smiles:>

  4. Very made me chuckle. nice job.

  5. Hello --I followed your link from illustation friday and have now officially added you to my favorites list!

    Your illstration is awesome - very whimsical! This should be on the cover of the next kid's praise book!

    God bless you! Keep using your gifts and giving Him the glory!

  6. I love this illustration. Wonderful happy colors and happy critters that make you smile when you look at them. I like the white around them with the shadow it creates such a 3-D look to it. Fun!

  7. yea Becky your back!

    the smiling faces of your sea creatures is a delight.
    your illo's always make me feel good about myself and life.

  8. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Ahhh. It's just not a real IF week without a Bee'n Me cut-out pic. Love 'em all! Of course, I also love the use of verses every week. <><

  9. Anonymous9:23 PM


    Great work, I haven't done IF in a while, I've missed some great topics.

    You have a nice choice in other artists I see too!

  10. A lovely composition with good colour and texture balances. I like the decisions you've made regarding the symmetries in the picture - the octopus' arms, placement of animals, plants and bubbles - a joyful picture!

  11. A very fun piece, beautifully done! I agree with Ian T regarding the composition. Very well thought out. Wonderful colors. Peace and joy to all IFers.

  12. i love that your main character is a musician too! a real renaissance octopuss!!! wonderful colours too!

  13. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Your illustration is so happy - and the character is cute :)
    wynlen -

  14. I love your one-octopus-band!

  15. I really like the way you leave the white outline around the figures....GOOD WORK

  16. cute piece with a wonderful message!


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