Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Way Back When-sday - Easter Memories!

I decided to bring back a blog feature that used to be so much fun - Way Back When-sday! That's where I take a particular year or even an era or a day from my past and post about it on Wednesday along with photos and images from that time. Since today is my Birthday, I thought it would be the perfect time to bring back the feature and do a little reminiscing...and since it's almost Easter, I thought I would concentrate on Easters/Bunnies from my past... (I've shared some of these before but it's been several years so I thought it was OK to share again...)

Here I am with my very well-worn loved bunny that I had since I was a baby - since my Birthday often falls near Easter, I always received bunny stuff as I've always had a thing for bunnies going way back...

Here I am acting silly with my shiny new replacement-bunny...I eventually wore it out too. (dig that stylin' black and silver couch we're sitting mid-century!)

An Easter classic - scratchy, stiff new dress, white hat, white shoes, huge chocolate bunny, huge basket full of goodies!

 And here's the whole family that year - very groovy, 1969...  My Mom was pregnant with my little brother who was due in May...

And here we are the next year (or maybe the next) when my little brother was a baby...and I was still sporting a scratchy dress and white shoes. We were standing in front of the Wyatt's Cafeteria in Pasadena Texas after church - we rarely ate out when I was a kid, but we went there occasionally on Sundays and special occasions...

Bunny Montage - from my bunnies past and present...

Eastertime Bunny illustration from 1995...

OK fast forward...a LOT. I got engaged to my sweet Hubby John on Easter Day - he put my engagement ring inside a plastic Easter egg along with a sweet note - so adorable...

Thanks for indulging my little bit of reminiscing. I love this sweet Spring time of the year - it's so lovely and full of promise...what are some of your favorite Easter memories??

I hope you enjoy every bit of this amazing celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! May He bless you with His unfailing love and unending joy!!

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Introducing "Farm Friends"!!

The "Farm Friends" Collection by Unique (and me!!)

Yesterday was a very exciting day around here - I finally got my awesome "Farm Friends" samples from my art licensing contract with Unique Industries, Inc., a wonderful partyware company that I am so proud to have partnered with!! I met with a product developer from Unique at my booth at the Craft & Hobby Association Winter Show in Anaheim in January of 2012, and a couple of months later I signed a contract with them for the Farm Friends images...and it's take this long to see the finished product or to even talk about it this was a big deal for me and my sweet hubby and family!

So yesterday when I came home from the grocery store, I saw two big boxes on my porch and I knew immediately that they must be from Unique because I was expecting them soon, but I was amazed that the boxes were so big...when I created the designs, I did layouts for plates and napkins, so that's what I was expecting. I had no idea that Unique was going to do an entire huge party collection with my Farm Friends...what an amazing surprise! I knew it was possible that they would do more with the images, but I just didn't know to what extent they might take it. So here's an overview of the cute party goodies they created... 


Cups and Straws...


Hats and "Blowouts"

Banners and Balloons...

Cute Party Game...

Invitations, Stickers and "Loot" Bags...

Tablecloths and Cutouts...

And even a Piñata!!

 Wow - I am still blown away! I can't wait to see them in a store (please let me know if you see them in your neck of the woods - I'd love to know where they're selling!) The product developer that I work with at Unique said they are excited about the line and that they have been well received - so that sounds promising...!!

I wanted to send some encouragement to my artist friends who are slogging away at art licensing just like me...there are wonderful things awaiting us just around the corner - don't give up as I have been tempted to do on many occasions...just keep creating art that you love and invite folks to love it too, and they will...

Thank You LORD for blessing me with such a sweet surprise and for the opportunity to share the gift you graciously gave me...all glory to you!

I'm thinking a GIVEAWAY may be in order, for one of everything in the Farm Friends group...sound like fun?  I'll let you know the details very soon...

Hugs & Blessings to you all!