Friday, June 16, 2006

Illustration Friday: Jungle

Well, the song "Jungle Boogie" from Kool and the Gang was the first thing that popped into my head - and so here you have jungle critters dancing as I imagine they do when no one is looking....
Late for IF, I know, but I am committed to participating weekly again, so late will have to suffice this week... Blessings to you all this weekend!


  1. Hi Becky! It's good to see you here again:> This is adorable - full of fun and happiness. I love the spotted tree trunks - a clever addition:> I hope all's well in your world!

  2. this is cute love there expresssions

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Absolutely love it.
    The sunglasses on the giraffe are a great touch!

  4. Anonymous2:21 AM

    I can't believe I missed you the last two weeks... I keep checking, honest. :-) Glad to see you back. Love the jungle! You have a truly identifiable style.

  5. Awesome illo!...and, now I will have that song stuck in my head ALL day! LOL! What fun!

    Glad to have you back!

  6. Anonymous12:13 PM

    How fresh and charming, I began dreaming and couldn't stop ..

  7. SOO Cute! So where are ya Becky? I miss you! :-(


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