Friday, June 17, 2005

Illustration Friday Newbie

Here is my first attempt at an Illustration Friday submission:

The theme for this week is Black & White.

Since I have been doing a number of black and white line art drawings for coloring and activity books recently, I thought it would be fun to show the black and white line art clamoring for color. It's actually a pretty good reflection of my current state of mind as it relates to my illustration "career" - "I CAN DO COLOR" I keep telling my editor :o) Well, I'm happy just to be drawing and getting published. And anyway, art all started for me with coloring books. Maybe some of my B&W art will inspire a kid somewhere...who knows...??


  1. that's true what you have said. ....chances are we can make another child or person happy without us even knowing it.

  2. Wonderful idea - really lovely illo

  3. Hi Bee,
    A charming idea this! I love your characters too...very nice.

  4. Great idea, Becky! You've got a wonderful style. Looking forward to enjoying more of your work!

  5. I love this, really sweet illo.

  6. Anonymous8:36 AM

    wow that must be fun.. To make coloring book illustrations.. wow, think of all the possiblities that your designs create a template for. Pretty neat

  7. What a neat picture!
    I hope you'll post more in the weeks to come.

    Welcome to Illustration Friday!

  8. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Awesome. Great twist on the theme!

  9. I love this idea, really amused me

  10. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Oh this is so sweet!!

    Excellent submission for the topic. I really like the idea as well. Absolutely one of my fav entries this week!

  11. Many thanks for your gracious comments - you have given me great encouragement on my first time out! SDG

  12. Reminds me of the million coloring books I had as a child. I loved coloring. Wonder if those characters felt that way too. Hmmm. Very cute illo. Welcome to the board.

  13. Anonymous10:41 AM

    What a beautiful illustration, and I really like the idea behind it. The touch of color looks good next to the black and white line art.


  14. Anonymous7:47 PM

    This is a great illustration! Very cute, and I love the combination of full color and black & white.

  15. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Hello Beck...This is your little bro. Just wanted to say hello and let you know I was checkin up on your new site that Mom has been telling us all about. Glad to see the "creative" one of the bunch is utilizing her talents. Hope asll is well...I am still working like a crazy man down here in TX. Site looks awesome..we are all very proud of you and excited to see wheere this goes...much love...

  16. Anonymous6:48 PM

    This is really interesting... very original idea and lovely execution!


  17. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Black and white begging to be coloured is a great spin on the theme. I reckon kids will love these books - bunnies are a favourite in my house - and I love the inclusion of comic thought balloons!

  18. Great illustration! When I first came across Illustration Friday and was looking at submissions this one really stood out for me :)

  19. Anonymous12:28 PM

    It's awesome to see your work's about time. You'll do great Beck. I know you have the gifts and talents just waiting to be let out of the gate.
    And God will give you new ideas with each'll happen.

  20. Coloring books are the first actual choices of expression we're given as children. To color realisticly in the lines- or just to scribble anything all over the page. Great pic

  21. Anonymous9:59 AM

    love the illustration. so funny that color books would beg to be colored, but they do!

  22. This is so charming and so very well done! I love how the characters talk to the viewer:))
    Good idea!


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